Monday, March 28, 2022


A: They need to write. 

That simple truth is what brings me to my present predicament. It seems that my computer died. I wasn't expecting it, and don't have the funds to replace it. It came at the worst possible time. I'm up to my eyeballs in medical expenses and it's why I'm turning to Fans of Horror to help me start writing again. 

It’s frustrating as hell. The ideas are still flowing and dialogue popping. I really REALLY want to finish this book and scare the sh*t out of you all. It's why I've started a GOFUNDME campaign. I'm pasting the link that gives more details and crossing my fingers that you'll help. In the meantime, I'll practice shapeshifting ...  into a werewolf at the next full moon. The transmogrification won't help raise money, but it is a distraction and fun and keeps my mind of being broke ass broke. So there it is. Any amount you give will be more than appreciated.

Thanking you in advance. 


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