THE BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY. In the cold light of day, there is captivity. Our thoughts held bound in cages, they wait for release, as do we…and so we wait for the sun to slip further into the horizon and for a darkness that feeds frenzy to take hold. The darkness is what turns our sight from limited to limitless blessing us with a febrile intensity and sparking a true sense of what it feels like to be wild and untamed. Imagination wakes up from the well in which it sleeps, spawning true devotion and love for those deranged ideas that have no place in the order of the day. It is the night that should be worshiped for it is the night that gives those trapped in the logic of lucidity what they wanted all along—and that is the freedom to dream … the freedom to roam in forbidden places … and the freedom to give ourselves worth.
can face anything except reality.”
W. Potocki
Such is my anthem … such is my song … and how I choose to introduce myself to you, the fans of horror and all things twisted and strange. Through the unleashing of a howl and a yearning to understand the moon, I say hello and bid you welcome for joining me on my journey into the magical realm of the fun factory that spins out stories for you. This is the first post of a new adventure designed to keep you entertained and, hopefully, curious enough to keep me company on this expedition into the insanity of what we call life. But exactly what is this journey I I have referred to?
The journey is the documentation of what happens during the creation of my newest novel entitled SERVE. Think of it as a diary … a journal of sorts … and since the journey will be written down, I’m inviting you all to keep me company along the way. While I have started the process, there’s a long way to travel, but I decided to do things differently this time around. So rather than write my story in abject isolation and have it randomly appear in the abyss known as Amazon with no fanfare one day, I realize that I would only be dooming the work to a fate of remaining unknown and unwanted all for lack of promotion. That contradicts the big plans I have for this baby, and why I’ve decided to herald its birth by tracking its progress and the musings that crop up along the way. It’s a radical departure for me to choose interaction with those like-minded souls who enjoy the eeriness of tales designed to give us frightmares. But frightmares are dreams, and dreams should be honored provided we can control them and keep them confined to a page. The problem? Monsters of the id don’t behave as I am quickly learning.
As for goals, there is only one goal and that is:
That’s it. And write I will. Whatever it takes … whatever the hell I have to do … whatever emotional triggering trauma I have to tap into and relive … I’m willing to go there. Because at the end of this process, I want a story that is tantamount to jumping out an airplane with no parachute while having sex on a motorcycle whose engine spews out purple-tinted noxious fumes that read, “Welcome to hell.” I want readers who finish reading the story to scream “What the fuck did I just read?” as the brain so badly damaged from the contents of the written word is forced to re-read the story just to confirm it wasn’t another episode of what happens when you forget to take your meds.
As mentioned in the blog header, SERVE was inspired by the strange doings at the Cecil Hotel. But let me assure you that story is fiction and has nothing to do with anything or anyone connected to any of the mysterious deaths that occurred within the hotel’s boundaries. The story only lives in my head … the characters also. But because of the creepiness of vibe that place gives off, I thought it would be fun to discuss and explore some of these ‘incidents’. I mean, I can’t be the only one that thinks that place is cursed as hell, can I? I can’t be the only one fascinated by the strange tale of Elisa Lam. And it helps to share … or so I hear … ha!
As for what you have to look forward to by continuing to walk with me, I offer a new virtual cafĂ©. One where you can sit down with coffee or tea or any of your fav drinks and have the opportunity to meet, engage in conversation, and opine to your hearts content. I should state here, that all your long responses should be made on my Facebook author page. I believe we’ll be freer to talk that way, but a hello on the blog’s pages is totally welcome!
There’s lots more planned including a detailed description of what part of the legend of the Cecil Hotel inspired me; a getting to know the main characters of this endeavor through psychological profiling (think Mindhunter); raffles; a discussion of the Cecil Hotel and all its mysteries; a cover reveal; and a gofundme for this starving artist And in case you’re not familiar with my work, here’s the link to my Amazon Author Page. So relax, save the link, and please subscribe and follow so you don’t miss a step on this shapeshifting tour through the night.
Thanks again and here’s to what awaits us on the other side of the moon!